30 June 2024

Providing livelihood for vulnerable families in Robat Sangi district of Herat

This project aims to support vulnerable families through the livestock income and food security services; the project started from Dec 2023 and will be ended to June 2024; this project covered 119 families in six targeted villages in Robat Sangi district of Herat province and the targeted families received 357 milking goats with the required feed and livestock trainings and awareness; this project funded by the UNDP through the NGOs/CSOs Capacity Support Program (NCCSP) in 2024.

team meeting
31 Febrauary 2024

Afghan CSOs empowerment & resilience program (ACERP)

There was a project for CSOs capacity building implemented by AWEC and funded through the SIDA, this project was for one covering BSDO and nine other NGOs in four regions of Afghanistan, this project offered different capacity building training, mentoring sessions for the targeted NGOs and funded the operations cost of NGOs during three months, this project empowered the BSDO and implemented from Mar 2023 to Feb 2024.

team meeting
31 December 2023

Legal raising awareness and advocacy in Abkamry district of Badghis province

This project aimed to raise the awareness of local people on legal issues to reduce the social problems and train the local communities on advocacy; the project covered 30 villages targeting local elders, religious leaders, teachers and youth. This project covered 345 male and female in Abkamari district of Badghis province and the project focused on rights of children, shared rights between family members, coexistence, and social conflict resolutions; this project started from Dec 2022 and completed to Dec 2023; the project funded by the Search for Common Ground (SFCG) in in 2023.

team meeting
30 March 2018

Conducting training for high school graduates in Badghis province

In 2018 with close coordination with the Directorate of Education in Badghis province, the BSDO conducted training for youth who have graduated from high schools in Badghis to pass the entering university general exams, the youth were facing many challenges for this exam, so the BSDO facilitated and conducted this training and covered different districts, youth graduated including male and female to train them how to attend the exam, select the preferred faculties, travel to different provinces and regions of Afghanistan to access to better education facilities.

team meeting
30 April 2015

Advocacy training for civil society activists in Badghis province

In 2015 there was a good improvement for the civil society in Badghis province and one of their responsibilities was the advocacy on behalf of local communities, the BSDO identified that there is a gap and coordinated with the CSOs network in Badghis to conduct a training for the civil society activists and discuss jointly on better communications and advocacy methods to fulfill the responsibilities in required manner.

team meeting
30 September 2015

Capacity building project through the Counterpart International

In 2015 the BSDO received an organizational capacity building project from Counterpart International through the CRDSA one Afghan NGO in western region of Afghanistan; this project offered different trainings and a small budget for capacity building of BSDO local staff in Badghis province.

team meeting
31 July 2013

Legal rights awareness in Abkamari district of Badghis province

In 2013 the BSDO conducted a legal rights awareness project in Abkamari district of Badghis province covering about 30 villages and 300 beneficiaries including male and female; this project focused on children legal rights, mutual rights between the family members, human basic rights, and peaceful methods of conflict resolutions, coexistence, and access to justice.

team meeting
31 December 2012

Support of orphanage and kindergartens in Badghis province

There were few orphanage and kindergartens in Badghis province that needed support including training of staff, teachers, caregivers, and lacking required facilities such as toys and accessories, so the BSDO planned to train the staff and provide them with the needed facilities to contribute on sound and safe education for the children who enrolled into the classes of those centers, this project completed in 2012.

team meeting